Brent Richards  2009 Subaru Imprezza and 04 Dodge Hemi Sport Truck09/11/2012
I am amazed at this product. I put Cerma STM-3 in my 2009 subaru imprezza and went from 33 mpg hwy. to 38 hwy! the engine seems to be so smooth you can't tell it is running! So then I put it in my 04 dodge hemi sport truck and went from 15.5 to 19.5 mpg hwy! unbelievable!! this stuff is the real deal! I will be ordering more and will treat the transmissions and a/c units and see what that will bring.
– Brent Richards (09/11/2012, 11:49 AM)
Eric Krahenbuhl  Alliant Energy, Emery Generating Station07/16/2012
We have used Cerma in a gear box which is 1 of 2 identical units. The one
we treated was initially running 60 decrees hotter than the other one. We want them to
run at no more than 180 degrees. The manufacturing company tried changing out the
gears and in essence did everything they knew to try to make it run cooler with no
success. At this time we shutdown said gear box and treated it with 8 oz. of Cerma . Now instead of running 240 degrees like before it is down to 195 degrees
something even the manufacturer couldn’t accomplish. In the near future I will be
treating at least 4 more gear boxes to reduce wear. We feel that this is cheap insurance as if even one of these gear boxes failed we would be looking at at least $250,000 damage to our equipment.
Eric Krahenbuhl
Emery Generating Station
Alliant Energy
Original Letter viewable in Documents Section
Robert Wilder  2004 Ford Edge06/05/2012
Hello Jim,
I would like to thank you for introducing me to Cerma and to such a quality product.
I am a certified Automotive Service Excellence Master Technician with 53 years of experience. I am always interested in the latest technology for automobiles and machinery. After putting Cerma in my 2004 Ford Edge Ranger with a V6 3.0 engine there was an increase of 17 miles with the first tank of fuel. The second tank of fuel there was an increase of 37 miles per tank. I was extremely pleased with the increased performance of my truck.
I am very impressed what my truck now achieves simply by adding Cerma. I could not believe it. As you know, Cerma was added to my wife’s 2000 Honda Accord and I will be able to report back to you the results soon.
Thank you for bringing this new product to my attention.
Regards, Robert Wilder
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Admin move from previous site. Original post: June 5, 2012
Wayne Blakeley  1991 Subaru, 2002 Chrysler AWD Mini Van, 1988 Dodge Box Van05/12/2012
I have used Cerma for about 4 months on different cars and one small truck.
Our 1991 Subaru was getting 19 to 20 miles per gallon when I treated the engine only and saw no increase in mileage but my wife complained about the increase in power because the car had a slow shift into third gear and acted like it was slipping. I soon treated the automatic and it slowly started shifting better and better until now it shift very crisp between all gears. I will soon drain the fluid and get the junk out. I now get 25MPG city or highway all the time. It is great
I also have a 2002 Chrysler AWD mini van. I treated the engine and saw huge power and a smooth running 3.8 in a short time. No increase in MPG. When I treated the transmission I fiiled the tank with high octane fuel and got 24.4 MPG. The best I ever got with the gas hog was 17.5. Since then I have seen a big difference with the types of fuel and the way my wife drives and the average is about 19 to 20 MPG (it depends on the fuel, good gas I get much better) in the mountains here in Idaho. It’s not bad for the car in these mountains.
I also have a 1988 dodge 1 ton box van that I saw an increase in power that amazed me. On one hill that when I climbed I would always hit the top of the hill about 42 and everyone was always passing me with all four barrels pressed to the floor. After treating the motor alone I hit this same hill at 62 with half throttle and continue getting increased power from that 360 worn out truck.
These products have changed the way I think. I was a mechanic for 17 years and never seen anything like this.
I treated my weapons with the gun product and was shocked at what the metal looked like after rubbing it on. The metal changed color and looked new. After shooting many round, (200) out of my M-1 Grand one patch through the barrel and clean as a mirror and then just a wipe down and cleaner than I have ever seen. No more oiling up my guns.
All I have to say is GREAT I have to have this stuff all the Time, I use it on everything now and I am VERY happy.
Wayne Blakeley -- Living Streams Mission, Idaho
via email Sat, May 12, 2012 at 11:12 AM
Tom Hoover  Series 60 Detroit04/15/2012
I own a trucking company and have been amazed at the results of the Cerma Engine Treatment and Cerma Motor Oils. I purchased Cerma because my older Series 60 Detroit was smoking badly, particularly when off the throttle. Even though overhauled only about a year and a half ago, the exhaust has always been smelly and the start up smokes very badly--everything has improved to such a degree it is astonishing--everything runs silky smooth---Thank You! Tom Hoover (admin move Apr. 15 2012)
Ron R  Jeep Grand Cherokee04/15/2012
I purchased a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 196,000 miles on it. The transmission was beginning to act up after a couple of months driving the vehicle. What was happening was when the Jeep was shifting into over drive at 50 miles an hour it was not as smooth as it should be. After applying the Cerma transmission product I noticed within 100 miles the transmission was shifting at EVERY level smoother than it ever had before!!! Thank you Cerma for making an AMAZING product! --- Ron R Post 1(admin move Mar 12, 2012)
My wife drives a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 116,000 miles on it. About 9 months ago I started to notice a little ticking coming from the engine when she first started it up. I have always used synthetic oil in the Jeep and was concerned when I heard the ticking. After applying the Cerma product the ticking was gone within 50 miles! I also noticed an increase of power at take off and a gain of about 8 to 10 pounds of oil pressure!
I am very grateful that I discovered your products and recommend to everyone I know! -- Ron R Post 2 (admin move Apr. 15 2012)
Stephen Wild  Jeep Grand Cherokee04/13/2012
I've already used Cerma STM-3 Engine Treatment on 1 vehicle and plan to use this shipment to do a second. Great product, great support. I love this product, and keep buying it when I discover a friend or acquaintance who needs it too. Thanks! – Stephen Wild Post 2 (04/13/2012, 07:46 PM)
In addition to treating the drive train of my vehicle with Cerma, I used the product in another application with the intent of verifying its effectiveness. We know Cerma fills in the unseen inperfections on a metallic surface, but all the moving parts in a vehicle drive train are relatively massive and hidden from sight. I wanted to try it on something much less massive and more accessible to sight, sound and feel. So treated the cutter block and screen of my electric shaver with Cerma. In this application, the moving surfaces are powered by a tiny motor compared to the motor in a car or truck, and the surfaces involved are much smaller. But I thought it should still work to fill in the microscopic fissures and cracks in the cutter block and screen so that as these 2 surfaces slide past each other during the shaving process the macroscopic effect would be that they would form a much sharper cutting edge. And that's exactly what happened. My shaver cuts smoother, closer and the block and screen are much easier to clean. Another proof of the effectiveness of this product. – Stephen Wild Post 1 (06/09/2011, 10:27 PM)
Dr. Wong  Ford F350 7.3L IH Diesel04/12/2012
I added the Cerma to the engine (7.3L IH diesel) and power steering box but not yet to the rest of the drive train. When I first put my foot on the gas, my diesel ran like a gasoline engine smooth and fast. Had to slow down on purpose. Gave Cerma and you a plug on one of the shows I did including your #. Hope it brings you business! Be well and God bless, --Dr. Wong (admin move Original post: Apr 12, 2012)
John Leckington  2001 Peterbilt Generator03/07/2012
Heard of this product from a friend put it in my dads 2001 Peterbilt Generator after about 2 min of running it quieted down and I couldn't even tell it was running.. Can't wait to put it in the engine and see what kind of fuel mileage he gets. Great product very satisfied. – John Leckington (03/07/2012, 03:58 PM)
OKTAY TUZER  2002 Toyota Sienna Minivan03/07/2012
I used Cerma STM-3 Engine Treatment in my 2002 Toyota Sienna Minivan; Fuel mileage went up from 260 mile per tank to 355 miles extremely happy with gas saved. I also used Cerma in my 2000 Dodge Caravan SE; Fuel mileage went up from 245 miles per full tank to 350 miles now. Lastly, I tried Cerma in my 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan SE FLV; Fuel mileage went up from 235 miles per tank to 365 miles per tank. Also, I now change my oil every 4000 mile ... not 3000 miles as I used to. Thanks.... Cerma! – OKTAY TUZER (03/07/2012, 09:51 AM)